I have to do some summer reading for the school year, and one of the books happens to be Saint Augustine's Confessions.
I have surprised myself by not being bored out of my gourd and how easily I'm able to explain what Augustine is saying. If you've never read Confessions, it is basically a memoir written like a pray to God. At the end there is something like an interpretation of the first chapter of Genesis, but I haven't got there yet.
In Book I (I'm reading the version translated by R. S. Pine-Coffin), page 22, Augustine is says this,
"Do heaven and earth, then, contain the whole of you, since you fill them? Or, when you have once filled them, is some part of you left over because they are too small to hold you? If this is so, when you have filled heaven and earth, does that part of you which remains flow over into some other place? Or is it that you have no need to be contained in anything, because you contain all things in yourself and fill them by reason of the very fact that you contain them? For the things which you fill by containing them do not sustain and support you as a water-vessel supports the liquid which fills it. Even if they were broken into pieces, you would not flow out of them and away. And when you pour yourself out over us, you are not drawn down to us but draw us up to yourself: you are not scattered away, but you gather us together."
Wow. That was what I was thinking as I read this. Wow. What an amazing, incomprehensible God we serve. Augustine is just asking questions, yet these can fill us with awe. I am enjoying the way Confessions makes me marvel at my Creator and think about Things.
Now, on to a recipe!
Mom made this delicious kale chips yesterday. They take two hours in all to dehydrate, but the kale retains its green color pretty well.
Dehydrated Kale Chips
1 (very) large bunch kale
1 1/2 T. olive oil
1 T. lemon juice
1 T. Braggs Liquid Aminos (or soy sauce)
Preheat oven to 170 and line two baking sheets with tin foil. Wash kale and tear out spines. Mix all other ingredients, except salt, in a small bowl. Transfer kale to large bowl, pour dressing over it, and toss everything together. Spread on baking sheets in a single layer. Sprinkle with salt. Place sheets oven and dehydrate for 30 minutes. Let sit in oven 30 minutes. Then dehydrate for 35 minutes. Let sit for another 30 minutes and then transfer to cooling rack. Try not to eat it all.