I'm interested in health and can get obsessive about it, like I said in this post. I believe food is important and definitely has an affect on your overall health. However, it needs to be kept in balance with everything else.
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I like reading about probiotics, fats, flour, and hydrogenated oils. I like making (and eating) fermented foods and nutritious breakfast goodies.
Unfortunately, since I enjoy it so much, I can let health control my life. For the past couple months I have been so stressed out, had an overload of information, and felt like I don't know what to believe. I want to be 100% sure of whatever I believe, or else it is guilty until proven innocent. It isn't fun.
I've researched and read and thought and doubted while trying to find the "right healthy". The one that really is true. The one that can't be contradicted. The one that is perfect.
I've been researching and reading and thinking and doubting for the past couple months. Then, two weeks ago, God sent me an incredible, incredible gift.
Peace in the realization that there isn't a perfect healthy out there. That I need to accept what I have and live life to the fullest. Live life to the fullest for Him. He's the one who made me and loved me and saved me. He should be my life and He is. ("When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory." - Colossians 3:4).
You wouldn't believe what it feels like after months of stress, fear, and doubt to be at peace. It feels like a burden has been lifted from my shoulders. I can now eat this delicious rice casserole in peace and am free to enjoy the rest of my day without (for the most part) analyzing my every bite.
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I really don't have much to complain about in the health realm. After all, when I think about it, I am healthy and God has blessed me with the means to be so. I haven't been sick in over six months. I'm not overweight. I don't suffer from any chronic illnesses or fatigue. Thanks to this website, I'm getting stronger too. And I'm thankful and should use this health to live my life for the Author of life.
So I've realized there isn't going to be a perfect diet, workout, or whatever that will solve all my problems. You know what else? I've realized that there isn't a perfect life. Not yet, anyways.
Now that isn't as despairing as it sounds. It's helping me to face the problems of life and not be as naive about it. 'Cause I can be. And I know that through all these imperfections, God is perfecting me, making me "...to be conformed to the image of His Son...". (Romans 8:29) One day, I will have a perfect life and be in glory. I'm yearning for that day more and more.
I hope you are discovering this in your life. I have by no means become a saint overnight, without any problems. This is simply a truth the Lord has shown me and I wanted to share. I hope I'm able to remember and rest in it.