August 30, 2014

Update #8: The Egg

Now, ladies and gentleman, what we've all been waiting for. I present to you...the first egg!

I opened up the nesting boxes, not knowing what exactly to expect. After all, they'd only just started squatting yesterday. Yet there, lo and behold, was a little brown egg.

And when I say little, I mean little. It's not quite two inches long and about one and a half wide. 
Here it is on the camera cap.
And then compared to a paperclip.

Sizzling with some kale.
Finished product! Sorry for the poor picture quality.

Now I shall carry a basket down when I let them out and shut them in. It's pretty exciting, folks.

August 29, 2014

Update #7

The chickens are almost nineteen weeks. Most of them have bright red combs and wattles, but a few still have dull, smaller ones. I've named a few, actually. Angela (she's noisy), Florence (she has a smaller comb and wattle), and Amy (she has a longer tail than the others). I have several names in my head, but I can't tell the rest apart...yet.

No eggs yet, but I have very good reason to expect one in the next few days, since at least two of them are starting to squat. This means that they will start laying very, very soon. I'm hoping maybe Sunday, or tomorrow. :)

Several of them have also started to escape. They fly up onto the fence and then jump down. We've shooed them off the fence a couple times, but now I'll look out the window and there will be a hen, innocently pecking at the grass. Just today I had to put four back in the run! It's all right with me, though, as long as they stay near the coop (which they have).

And! These are from a week or two ago when they were free ranging.

And these are from my sister's birthday party.

August 20, 2014

Greenie beanies

Green beans. Fat. Salt. An oven.


Roasted Green Beans
originally from The Paleo Mom*

1 1/2 lbs. green beans
3 T. fat of choice (I used avocado oil)
1 t. salt (or half pepper and salt. Either way is scrumptious)

Preheat oven to 450. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Wash and trim green beans. Snap in half if desired. Place in bowl and toss with other ingredients until well coated. Spread on cookie sheet, place in oven, and roast for about 20 minutes. Enjoy!

Random Happy Stuff:

One of my brothers (who shall remain unnamed): "Do you think I am a good brother? I think I am a good brother. Do you think I am a good brother?"**

The above said Brother and I are kinda tired after watching How to Train Your Dragon. We were hyper this afternoon while playing Scattegories Categories. Good times.

Chickens will start laying in three weeks! I'll try to post a picture of the first egg, if I don't fry it first.

School starts in two weeks! I love school things (schedules, books, sharp pencils, knowledge). Then, around November, the novelty wears off and it's just school. 

Apples, kale, bananas, and grapes. nomnom.

*so apparently I could call these "Rachel's Roasted Green Beans" if I wanted, just because I left out the lemon juice?
**well, he did accidentally delete this post while I was writing it. So...maybe? ;) (just kidding, I do love you, -------)

August 2, 2014

Suggestions (books and a smoothie)

I'm still plowing my way through "Confessions" and, now, "The Church History". I've set a certain number of sections I have to read each day and I think hope I'll be done at the end of the month. 

With all that to work on, I haven't had much time for the fun stuff that I really want to read. So for all of you fortunate people who do have time, here are two of the best books I've ever read.

1): "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen.

Pride and Prejudice (Barnes & Noble Classics Series)Love, love, love. This is definitely worth while. Funny (it actually got me to laugh out loud), serious, romantic, and delicious. You read right: delicious. I just couldn't put it down!

2): "Persuasion" also by Jane Austen.

Persausion by Jane Austen [Unabridged Edition]I think I may have liked this even better than P+P. It was an equally scrumptious read. I absolutely love the romance. The two characters care deeply for one another and develop well. This isn't mushy, ya'll. The book is a little mysterious at first (why is Captain Wentworth acting this way? Ahhh!), but its resolve is lovely.

Also, you should watch the movies too. Not just any old version though. This one for "Pride and Prejudice" and this one for "Persuasion".

Now, on to the recipe!

The Chocolate Covered Blueberry

1/3 c. canned full fat coconut milk
1 c. blueberries
1/2 a frozen banana
2 t. cocoa powder
2 t. raw honey
a splash of vanilla

Combine all in blender. Mmmm!

(Of course, I couldn't just follow the recipe, I'm too much of a rebel (yeah right). I added coconut oil, two egg yolks (leftover from coconut macaroons), used kefir and yogurt instead of coconut milk, and not as much banana and honey.) 

~photos courtesy of Barnes and Noble~