May 14, 2015

At the Back of the North Wind

""Why did you leave me, dear North Wind?"
"Because I wanted you to walk alone," she answered.
"But it is so much nicer here!" said Diamond.
"I daresay; but I couldn't hold a little coward to my heart. It would make me so cold!"
"But I wasn't brave of myself," said Diamond, whom my older readers will have already discovered to be a true child in this, that he was given to metaphysics. "It was the wind that blew in my face that made me brave. Wasn't it now, North Wind?
"Yes: I know that. You had to be taught what courage was. And you couldn't know what it was without feeling it: therefore it was given you. But don't you feel as if you would try to be brave yourself next time?"
"Yes, I do. But trying is not much."
"Yes, it is--a very great deal, for it is a beginning. And a beginning is the greatest thing of all. To try to be brave is to be brave. The coward who tries to be brave is before the man who is brave because he is made so, and never had to try."
"How kind you are, North Wind!"
"I am only just. All kindness is but justice. We owe it."
"I don't quite understand that."
"Never mind; you will some day. There is no hurry about understanding it now.""

--At the Back of the North Wind, by George MacDonald 

May 13, 2015

Links: Dante and Disney

Amusing video from my Omnibus Primary teacher. Thanks for making Dante fun, Mrs. Andreades!

What if Disney princesses had real hair and real waists? Ariel is probably my favorite for the hair. :)

Go listen to this soundtrack (and watch the movie if you can). Also, go to Pandora and make a Joe Hisaishi station. I've been listening to it while studying for exams; relaxing and inspirational at the same time!

Recipe Corner: Paleo french bread! I made this yesterday and squealed (yes, squealed) with delight when it came out of the oven all golden and crusty. I did change the recipe around a bit, but it worked! Tasted good too, and there was only one piece left today, heheh. 


Almost done with school! Next week is exams (and finishing up my ten page paper, blah), and then freedom! 

May 7, 2015

Creation: God and man

In Sunday School we just finished studying the story of creation, and whether or not the way God created the world has an impact on our purpose in life (hint: it does). I was struck by a couple different points and thought I'd share them.

1) God is a God of process

God took six days to create the world and on the seventh He rested. God took His time and didn't create everything all at once. How does this relate to our lives? Well, we are going through a process too. God sent Jesus to die on the cross and save us (part one of the process) and then when Jesus returned to heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to be with us (part two). Even now, we are going through the process of sanctification, with the Spirit convicting and guiding us (part three). God isn't rushing anything. He wants us to learn, even if it's hard to remember.

2) The Bible is a story about God

Yeah, yeah, so it's sorta obvious, but at the same time, it's not. We know that the Bible is of God because it is His word, but it is also about God. I'd never really thought about it that way. I've tried to read my Bible with that view in mind (what can I learn about God in this chapter), though it's difficult and I don't want to think about it because I've got to move on to the next project, etc.

3) Adam was working in the garden.

Genesis 2:16: "The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it." Adam wasn't just sitting around with Eve eating fruit, petting the animals, and talking to God. He had work to do, though I'm not sure what it entailed. Work isn't a punishment that came after the Fall. It was there from the beginning, starting with God Himself, but it's because of sin (and hence our grumpy attitudes) that make work hard or boring.

Everyone knows the first three chapters of Genesis. "In the beginning..." and so on. This class really delved into it though, and it was very interesting. Who knew that the "simple" Creation story could have so much packed into it?