April 30, 2016

Taking Stock, Vol. X / Links

Making: coconut milk yogurt! I used The Kitchn's recipe (with a teaspoon of gelatin as the thickener). It's tasty. Also, these muffins. They're like baked oatmeal muffins.
Cooking: nothing, but wishing I had more time to do so.
Drinking: lemon water. In a mason jar. With a straw. Because making things special. 
Reading: Anne's House of Dreams. Also 1984, which is too gray and depressing.
Wanting: pigs! And more pigs!
Looking: ~
Playing: Mozart type pieces. I especially like Emperor Waltz. Also, songs by a Korean friend.
Wasting: ~
Sewing: nothing, but I want to finish a little felt doll for my niece.
Wishing: I could drive already so I could do more of last night; a friend and chai lattes (haha, don't I sound so hip).
Enjoying: doing some of my school outside. 
Waiting: ~
Liking: so many pretty food pictures from Earthly Taste's instagram
Wondering: ~
Loving: the sunshine, flowing trees, and the green of new leaves (one of my favorites).
Hoping: to get my permit soon.
Marveling: that God still loves me and helps me up when I'm a bumbling idiot (which has happened a LOT over the past couple months).
Needing: ~
Smelling: ~
Wearing: sweatpants and t-shirts. 
Following: Pine View Dairy's instagram (they have some pretty adorable cow pictures). I'm actually hoping to work there this summer, which will be exciting.
Noticing: what strange faces I make when I'm typing. I should take a video sometime.
Knowing: ~
Thinking: about all the things this school year has taught me. I should do a post about that.
Feeling: excited by all the warmer weather, because  I get to where aaaaall the cute clothes. Like thisthese ones, and a couple of these shirts
Bookmarking: ~

April 19, 2016

And roared

“Aslan, who seemed larger than before, lifted his head, shook his mane, and roared. 
     The sound, deep and throbbing at first like an organ beginning on a low note, rose and became louder, and then far louder again, till the earth and air were shaking with it. It rose up from the hill and floated across all Narnia. Down in Miraz’s camp men woke, stared palely in one another’s faces, and grasped their weapons. Down below that in the Great River, now at its coldest hour, the heads and shoulders of the nymphs, and the great weedy-bearded head of the river-god, rose from the water. Beyond it, in every field and wood, the alert ears of rabbits rose from their holes, the sleepy heads of birds came out from under wings, owls hooted, vixens barked, hedgehogs grunted, the trees stirred. In towns and villages mothers pressed babies close to their breasts, staring with wild eyes, dogs whimpered, and men leaped up groping for lights. Far away on the northern frontier the mountain giants peered from the dark gateways of their castles.”

Prince Caspian, by C.S. Lewis