January 23, 2015

Update #10: In which we have a photo shoot

Another very late update.

My brother and his wife were visiting for Christmas and since he had his camera with him (surprise!), the chickens had a paparazzi tailing them as the free-ranged. :)

chicken butt!
They've been doing very well since then, though a few had a touch of frostbite. However, coconut oil came to the rescue. I rubbed it on their combs and they healed up amazingly quickly. Also, I accidentally discovered that they love eating coconut oil as well as wearing it! Since it was cold out the coconut oil froze, so I scraped it out of the bowl. Quite a frenzy ensued as the girls ran about trying to snatch up each piece. They also enjoy mealworms and oats while they're out in the yard. Yup, they're spoiled.