August 15, 2015

Taking Stock, vol. I

Making : plans for this school year. Aaaall the plans.
Cooking : lots of cookies for company this weekend. Oh wait, that's baking. So why are they called cook-ies?
Drinking : Ginger Peach tea, chocolate smoothies, and plain 'ole water.
Reading: A Light in the Window (Jan Karon), The Westminster Confession (a bunch of men a long time ago), and David Copperfield (Charles Dickens).
Wanting: cinnamon raisin bread.
Looking: forward to fall.
Playing: Nothing at the moment. 
Wasting: time on the internet. Instagram is my bane.
Sewing: nothing, but I have lots of things I want to sew.
Wishing: I had some sheep, kittens, or goats (don't tell the chickens).
Enjoying: waking up earlier, which means I get more done.
Waiting: for school to start. 
Liking: ummm...cute pictures of my nieces.
Wondering: Why two of my chickens were squawking frantically yesterday evening.
Loving: the last bit of summer.
Hoping: for a good school year (pSATs--yikes!)
Marveling: at all the truths in the Westminster Confession.
Needing: breakfast.
Smelling: bacon.
Wearing: my fuzzy robe.
Following: Live Simply blog. It's for all those frugal, real foodies out there. 
Noticing: a hummingbird out in the garden.
Knowing: Jesus loves me, this I know.
Thinking: about all the cleaning and cooking I have to help with today. The aforementioned company, you see.
Feeling: hungry.
Bookmarking: cute dresses. :)


I thought this was a fun idea. I might make it a regular thing on the weekends, though I'm not putting pressure on myself. During the school year it will be nice to take a break from stuff, sit down, and just review my week.

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