August 5, 2015

YXL 2015

It has been a month since this wonderful youth conference. I made so many new friends, strengthened old friendships, and cannot wait to go back. Here's a summary of what went on. :) Go team C, I miss all of you!

learning lab challenges, hour long Bible study and prayer time, teabagging, late night games of Body-Body, pygmies, guitars everywhere, peanut M&Ms, hiking the AT, blindfold jokes, Geneva and Kari wailing Taylor Swift in the bus, skipping Mike in phase 10, Heather rapping, microwave gatherings, teary and real debrief time, mystery meat, team care, worship, Kiwi and Geneva ('nuff said), chicken dance and I'm-a-little-teapot, cake smashing, Kelly rockin' the electric slide, spotting, Kiwi's gum, Tyler's foot, stretch, climb, reach, grow, so much more.

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