April 28, 2014

"Anything for chickens!"

Six days ago, a lady from the post office dropped off a box. The box was peeping.

Guess what was inside?

Yup! We've got ourselves eleven chicks! They are funny, curious, and (of course) adorably fuzzy. The picture below was taken today.


And here's the coop...well, sort of. Construction just started on Saturday.


A little back story on the peeps. Last May I suddenly had the idea of getting a few chickens. I don't remember exactly how it came about, but later that evening I started researching. I researched and earned money all summer, fall, and most of the winter. Here I am, almost a year later!

That's it for now, at least until the next update. Also, any name suggestions for the coop? I was imagining something like Hartfield, Longbourne, or Uppercross Hall. :) 

(title is a quote from Dad while he was building the coop.)


  1. You can call it "Featherfield" :) and then if you get a rooster he can be Mr Bingley.

    1. That's another good one! Now we'll have to cast votes or something. :)

  2. Go with "HENBERLY" ... I believe that was Matthew's suggestion!

