April 1, 2014

He knows.

I get flustered and stressed over so many things. School, friends, health, my faith. I get a feeling of emptiness at times or think that my day was just worthless. It is then that I need peace and strength to go on without being weighed down by these things. Where do I find it though? The obvious and correct answer is God, but how do I find my peace in Him? I can't just say, "Everything's all right, so stop moping and straighten up!"

Why is everything all right? Because the Lord knows my struggles and questions, how I'm feeling that day, what stupid thing I need forgiveness for. He knows me and He is with me through every one of those struggles. Even as I stumble and make mistakes, God is right there to forgive me and help me up. It gives me peace and courage to go on because of His forgiveness and love. He is always giving me second chances to do better, always bringing me through the stressful days. He is there to counsel, strengthen, love, and guide. He gives us His holy Word to comfort and encourage. We are His adopted children and He will not abandon us.
What a wonderful God we serve!   

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